Welcome fear in 2021


Fear is a powerful motivator for us all. 

Fear will be key in driving our dreams, aspirations and goals. 

Fear will also be key in helping us implement these goals, tightly holding us to account. 

There is nothing wrong with fear. It is natural and necessary.

But fear can be divisive.

Fear is divisive.

Fear has the power to divide us from each other. 

Fear has the power to step in between us and our goals.

Fear has the power to step in between you and your goals.

If 2021 is about anything, surely it could be about finding out how to control fear so it helps us, not hinders us?

Keep changing your relationship with fear, it is necessary. 

And....9 DAYS TO GO!!!!!

My new book, THE LOUDEST GUEST, how to change and control your relationship with  fear is out on the 27th of January in your favourite bookstores NATIONWIDE and on AMAZONBooktopia.


And....FREE VIDEOS for you!!!!

Here are some videos that you can watch for FREE! I produced them to help people practice ways to feel calm and grounded. 

They have two different purposes:

3-minute breathing space: For in the moment calming of fear

Body scan: for a 30 minute special treat to calm the body.

Click here to get access to them and if you think the videos are helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel.


Amy helps teams use the psychology of groups to their advantage. Her programs drive connection, communication and courage for remarkable achievements. Please see The Safe Space and DrAmySilver.com


Imposter syndrome: Focus on the work and not the mask


Tips on how to deal with the fears of re-engaging with life