Energetic & relatable speeches that activate audiences and inspire change

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Why Amy?



Amy’s skill is in quickly creating a strong relationship with her audiences using humour and story to tap into the science of psychology.

She enables people to safely reflect and connect with our responsiblity to evolve no matter what we face.

Learn how to harness our feelings and behaviour so we can be sustainably our best self.

Amy inspires more courage, deeper connections, emotion management and stronger leadership of others.

Scroll Down for Amy’s keynotes



As a highly qualified psychologist , Amy’s academic background include teaching at Oxford University, researching and practicing as a specialist Clinical Psychologist.

Amy now helps leaders change cultures and embed high performance behaviours of courage, emotion management, deep connection and communication.

The Courage to Lead the Future


The human brain was not designed to head into challenge, change or new’ness, it was designed for comfort! This leads us to fear based decision making about what we do or don’t do, how we talk to each other and who we talk to.

And yet….the future requies us to be courageous in our actions, our communication and our connections with others.

Amy will help you discover your next move in leading yourself and those around you towards greater success. You will immediately apply the 6 steps from her award, best selling book The Loudest Guest to lift your courage to have a profound impact on your actions, conversatons and connections at work (and…at home!).


  • fear holds us back (flight, flight, freeze, fawn) and impacts our collective capability

  • strong self and other leadership requires us to codify how we manage our thoughts, feelings and behaviours so we can excel

  • fear or irritation are emotions that can be managed whatever our circumstances

  • courage is THE action that enables effective decision making, connection and communication

  • courage has a simple formula with 6 steps

  • self leadership is our responsibility

  • action plan


Your Best Self Blueprint

Leading ourselves towards sustainable high-performance even when things are difficult is a skill that matters to the success of our business and our wellbeing as individuals.

Translating deep psychological principles into simple usable tools, this keynote inspires us to manage the space between our triggers and our reactions. Only there, can we deliberately choose our response so we serve our longer term goals.

Your values are important as a guide but your behaviour today is what will create your future. The Best Self Blueprint is your tool to keep you accountable to the patterns of thinking and behaviour that serve your goals. Unpick those pesky habits that undermine your power or progress. Be the best self version of you, the world needs you to be!


  • self management is our first responsilbity when we work with others

  • the five principles that impact our ability to manage self

  • what are your triggers and what are your patterns?

  • your why - your values and goals

  • your how - instructions on your Best Self Blueprint

  • action plan

We understand that every event is different…

…and we’re here to help you achieve your goals.

Email the team if you’d like to:

  • Know more about booking Amy

  • Schedule a chat with Amy

  • Discuss add-ons such as books and workshops