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I had the privilege of contributing to two powerful books that are being released this week.

Both were curated by the main authors with an incredible commitment to using 2020 as a platform to discuss the future we all aspire to be part of. I think they are extraordinary examples of the power of collectives and offer us all hope at what is possible when we are lead by hope, inclusiveness, generosity and courage.

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Unite - Julia Steel -

Unite is your gateway to the wisdom shared during the extraordinary VID19 conference. Over 19 days, 172 leading thinkers and experts from around the world generously shared their best ideas. This book brings together thirteen of those courageous leadership messages, artfully curated by VID19’s creator and host Julia Steel. Positive, powerful and practical, the insights shared are a beacon to help you navigate the way ahead.

Co-Authors: Julia Steel, Mykel Dixon, Rachel Callender, Shantelle Thompson, Digby Scott, Alicia McKay, Lynne Cazaly, Winitha Bonney, Adam Voigt, Cathy Burke, Cameron Schwab, Lisa O'Neill.

Here are the headlines of my contribution on taking control of your fear

  • Fear is essential in helping us keep safe. It warns us of risks and influences our behaviour to avoid those risks. However, when fear dominates, it shouts at us to avoid change, to play small, fit in and keep quiet, not to shine or rock the boat. It commands us to avoid conversations that are difficult, people who challenge our status quo and anything which could bring uncertainty. It keeps us rigid, divides us from each other and in turn the future we desire. The chapter talks through the six steps to control our fear so that we can choose when to listen to our fears and when we must work hard to ignore their commands.

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What the hell do we do now - Hagen, Butler and Hodgson - release date 8th October on Amazon

In What The Hell Do We Do Now, 18 authors explore the tools and frameworks that can help you and your organisation navigate and emerge from the crisis in better shape than when you entered it. Drawing on their own research across a wide range of domains, the chapters follow the narrative arc of Victoria Lynn Schmidt’s Heroine’s Journey, the classic story-telling formula of heroes who are thrust into chaos and return transformed through the challenges they face. The book was also incredibly kindly (by Butler, Hagen and Hodgson) dedicated to my very special uncles whose lives were cut tragically short by COVID-19 earlier this year.

Co-authors:  Mary Butler, Alex Hagen, Brent Hodgson, Rebecca Sutherns, Richard Hudge, Dr Monique Beedles, Mark Butler, Lynne Cazaly, Andrew Deering, Alessandra Edwards, Celeste Halliday, Darin Fox, Simon Rudderham, Jennifer Kenny, Paul Matthews, Callum McKirdy, Fiona Roberson.

Here are the headlines of my contribution on mindsafety

  • Our performance at work relies on our ability to manage our emotions safely regardless of our environment or its challenges. The chapter talks through the ways our emotions risk our collective performance. Consciousness (self and others), compassion (self and towards others) and courageous behaviours are our tools for high team performance.

So many congratulations to  Mary ButlerAlex Hagen, Brent Hodgson and Julia Steel.

And, a personal thank you for your hope, courage, tenacity, vision and service when pulling these beautiful books together!

Some ways to work with me

Remarkable teaming behaviour is built on strong connections and courageous communication. This program gives you faster decisions, higher quality work and frictionless interpersonal systems. For collectives who want to work better together. The Safe Space Program

Training your managers to help them have conversations that drive performance and engagement (including giving and receiving feedback, difficult conversations and the responsibility of leadership. Conversations Create Growth

Accessing one of my keynotes for your internal organisation or to recommend me to speak at an industry event. Speaking

Of course, I'd also be delighted to talk if you think I can help +61 421 955 700


Amy helps teams use the psychology of groups to their advantage. Her programs drive connection, communication and courage for remarkable achievements. Please see The Safe Space and


Tips on how to deal with the fears of re-engaging with life


Anger: Turning on ourselves