Struggling with hot brain? Cool instantly with an 'Alcohol Wipe Mantra'
There is much to make us irritated, sad, or worried, and of course. When in this state we are more likely to lose those precious milliseconds that take us from a 'hot' unconscious reaction to a 'cool' thoughtful response.
In the one-to-one coaching I do, I will often help people find their idiosyncratic cooling agent - what can they do to cool their brain quickly? One of the tools I use is the creation of a bumper sticker mantra to short-circuit the brain. Here are some examples from the Execs I'm coaching at the moment.
• The whole world is short-staffed (to cool a brain triggered by supply/service issues)
• People are tired (to cool a brain triggered when irritated by low efficiency/proactivity in colleagues)
• I am doing my best (to cool a brain triggered by negative self-talk)
• I assume others are doing their best given their resources (to cool a brain triggered by other's behaviour not meeting expectations)
These statements don't argue/help one way or another with the facts of the immediate situation but act like an alcohol wipe, cooling the brain enough for it to think through what happens next. They give you a cleansing, cooling moment to think through the chosen response and make it useful.
When you identify a regular trigger for a hot brain, create your own alcohol wipe mantra. And if you need any assistance in Executive Coaching I have just re-opened our one on one program for bookings in 2023- please reach out to
And....I'd love to know your 'alcohol wipe mantra' - would you share it with me so i can use it for inspiration for others?
Public Series
I am doing public workshops this November:
22nd of November: Psychological Safety workshop for People Leaders
24th of November: Courage, how to build it and how to manage fear, worry and anxiety while you do!
To get more details about these Public Workshops click here.
More information about the series will be dropped on Instagram/FB/Linkedin in the coming weeks.
TAKING BOOKINGS FOR KEYNOTE SPEAKING FOR 2022/2023 (virtual/physical) Email Ellen via to check dates for your event if you want your audience to understand how to stop fear interfering (with us as individuals or groups) so we head safely into our most powerful future together.