for Confidence and Activation
For those who recognise the power of activating our best selves at work.
Our relationship with fear will determine our success individually and collectively. For us to have the action required to support our complex and changing world, we must be agile in our thinking and behaviour. We must be able to speak up, show up and feel confident.
Activated groups of people achieve powerful outcomes. There is a clear methodology to enable courage at work, courage in our conversations, behaviours and connections.
The model developed in Amy’s book ‘how to’ of creating courage at work - courage in conversations, behaviour and connectionthe way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Full-day, half day immersions, a four week sprint, or a whole culture program
In-person, online, or hybrid
Leaders only or team based
With online supporting curriculum
Here are some of the aims of the training, which become more specific to your needs on consultation of your needs.
Workshop (half/full day) - Half-day or full-day face-to-face or online according to your needs for up to 16 people
*This is a masterclass on deliberately driving our courageous action forward, owning and experimenting our way through the discomfort of fear.
*This workshop enables people to create a fear profile
*people will understand their goals and set behavioural experiments to move toward them
*Participants will be given tools to deal with their fears through visualisation, cognitive evaluation, physical activity, somatic grounding, and deliberate emotional management
*This program is often described as life-changing and in a very short time participants understand courage is a muscle that if not used will waste but if practiced it will get stronger.
*the value of courage in the workplace will be clear and participants will be challenged to speak up in meetings, share ideas, change behaviours, learn new skills, and have conversations that matter
*This will be fun, engaging and participants will connect on new levels
Sprint (four-week online program) This option is for a group who want to go through a sprint together, truly embedding their learning in a practical, supported, and connected way
*a calendar schedule with daily mini-activities to keep people focused on the actions associated with change
*the work starts with a group session (online) to ground and explain the content and to celebrate the commitment
*every day there are tasks to complete that take between 5-10minutes to complete
*everyone is encouraged to journal for the month either in a dedicated book or the workbook
*participants are taught practical tools to manage fear
*participants are taught practical tools to create goals
*a frame is given to set experiments
*A bespoke individual feedback video is given to every participant
*A group call to close the month and celebrate wins
Whole Culture change piece
*a strong ELT program to develop trust, connection, and courageous conversations within the bespoke context of your organisation
*a leadership program to help people leaders drive a culture of safety and trust
*a program for all to develop compassionate courage (as opposed to dispassionate communication or avoidance *behaviours)
*resources to support the changes (including templates, online programs, a community-based network)
*partnership with your organisational development team
This program will infuse your culture with courage and help to:
*Breakdown silos
*Build deep trust
*Create energy and excitement
*Provide the antidote to internal over-consultation
*Create connections across functions
*Develop functional communication so people can hold each other to account and
What your colleagues will experience
Every participant will receive a paperback of the acclaimed The Loudest Guest: How to Change and Control your Relationship with FearWorkbook with tips, tricks, tools, how-to’s, and resources
Comprehensive video series for embedding (this can be drip fed or not depending on needs)
Have insight into how courage enables our success (and fear inhibits)
Have taken the Wheel of Courage test to understand how to build on your courage goals (e.g. financial, work, relationships, conversations, social, physical)
Have a clear set of achievable for your best self if fear was less dominant
Understand the different ways in which fear inhibits you
Be able to spot your own unique flight, fight and freeze response
Understand how fear has been a guest in your head that has driven your choices some for the good and some for the bad (using a fear timeline) so you understand the difference
Build self-compassion for your fear response and gratitude for your fear voice
Learn how to separate the fear voice from your on longer-term goals using tools from ACT
Learn tools to manage fear in the moment (grounding techniques to practice calming the physical response to the amygdala firing)
Learn and practice Amy’s incredible strategy to change your perspective from fear to hope
Understand the importance of your ‘line of significant impact’ - the line above which you notice the fear response
Learn to tolerate the fear voice and the fear symptoms while you move forward with courage
Designed a personal plan to push forward with courageous behaviours (using a planner)
You will have a 7, 14, 30 day check in to hold you to account to your best self
This workshop also includes a workbook, access to online materials and curriculum, and a 90-day follow-up.
people need to speak up in meetings
you understand that high-performing teams rely on people with confidence and courage to embrace difference, cognitive diversity, compassion, agility in thinking and behaviour, innovation and good decision making
you know that there is untapped potential in people who are held back by fears and worries, imposter syndrome, and lack of confidence
you are determined to help lift the confidence among your colleagues and want to gift them this opportunity
there is a need to activate your participants with more courageous behaviour or conversations
you would like to offer people a lifelong insight into themselves and how to operate into that best self-version while at work
you would like to give people a space to share and connect on a human level
there is a reliance on leaders to voice the difficult or share their ideas, and you want to help more of the team do so
you would like them to learn immediately usable powerful and scientifically proven tools to manage their confidence
you would like people to walk away with a plan of action, tools, and tips on what to do to be more powerful, influential, and connected to their goals
you would like people to learn how to activate a growth mindset, be prepared to do ‘the new’ or learn new ways of working
you would like people to share more ideas at work
you would like less reliance on leaders for holding and driving conversations and decisions
you would like to foster more cognitive diversity in your team
This is best for groups who want to improve their courage, activate the ‘right conversations’ and face change successfully
It is for groups who have some awareness that we can control our own behaviour and lead ourselves into new behaviours
For those who want to activate together or as a team, knowing it is social support and shared vulnerability that boosts our change
you want to get powerful work done together
Notes from a participant
One of the exercises in the workshop used to help people plot their courage strenghts and growth areas.
Amy caught during a workshop!
Amy has an online program to compliment and embed learning in bite size chunks with a comprehensive workbook. Here is the introduction video.